Become a Member

Manchester Riverwalk board of directors meeting in person post-COVIDBecome a member of Manchester Riverwalk.  Your participation and support will make this dream a reality even sooner. With your membership, you will be kept up to date on events and developments. On our work days, you can come, don your gloves, and spend a couple of hours in a beautiful Vermont setting with a hard-working, welcoming crew. Membership is very reasonable and also offers you the opportunity to vote at the Annual Meeting.

Help us develop this beautiful riverfront for the maximum enjoyment of all.


Student Membership (up to 18 years old; non-voting): $15

Individual Membership: $25

Family Membership: $40

Your donation is your dues. Of course, we welcome donations in any amount. You can donate through our PayPal portal or send a check to us. Thank you!

Send a check to:
Manchester Riverwalk
PO Box 1622         
Manchester Center, VT 05255-1622

The Manchester Riverwalk Committee holds open meetings on the first Monday of every month at 5:00. During the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are meeting via Zoom. If you wish to join us, please send a request to and we’ll be happy to include you.