MANCHESTER — Lorraine Ballard, executive director of the Battenkill Conservancy in Cambridge, New York, addressed the Manchester Riverwalk and community members at their annual meeting Jan. 25 at the Manchester Library.
Ballard, who is the organization’s first executive director, shared some of the history and accomplishments of her organization over the years, including their work preserving and enhancing the Battenkill and watershed through land conservation, public education and advocacy.
Through their efforts, riverside access has been improved in the Battenkill State and Eldridge Swamp Forests, and the Livingston Brook Heron Rookery was preserved in land trust.
She also discussed the donation of the Rexleigh Marble Mill in Salem, New York, and plans for its future preservation.
As part of her presentation, Lorraine addressed potential ways the Conservancy and Riverwalk can work together to promote the Riverwalk and expand corridor connections into Vermont.
Other business conducted at the annual meeting included re-election of trustees Catherine Stewart and Lisa Helmholz-Adams to three-year terms, presentation of the treasurer’s and development reports, and an engineering update outlining all the work that has gone into meeting the permitting requirements to move forward with the pedestrian bridges.
These requirements included submission of an Act 250 application to the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, consultation with a state wetlands specialist and subsequent delineation of the wetlands and survey work to update the site map.
Work on this exciting next chapter of the Riverwalk continues to move forward.